Email Township Zoning Administrator Ron Van Zee to not permit the boathouse, artificial boat basin or channel for the Law project. Write him at:
Send your public comment to the ZBA secretary, Kristin Baranski ( that: 1) you want your comment to be applied to both ZBA cases by Kozma and 2) you want your comment read aloud at each hearing. Anyone in the public may comment, you don't have to live in Hayes Township. If you care about Lake Charlevoix's protection, please make a comment in support. First, learn more about the two cases by hitting the "Read more" button below.
No hearings have been scheduled yet. When they are, they will be announced here. You may attend in person or by Zoom.
The delays in scheduling hearings are egregious because one case was filed in September 2021 and the other in December 2021. Hayes Township ZBA Rules mandate that the ZBA hear the case within 45 days of application.
A legal fund was established for community members to contribute so that we can stop this environmentally-destructive project and protect Lake Charlevoix's shoreland. We have one pro bono attorney, but we are reviewing all legal options and engaging additional legal expertise.
The Hayes Township Planning Commission is rewriting the entire zoning ordinance, and in the process gutting the waterfront regulations that protect the shoreland of Lake Charlevoix and other lakes and streams. Come to Planning Commission meetings in person or by Zoom. Email the planning commissioners at:
Share this website with others, share the news coverage about the controversy, encourage others to contribute to the legal fund, write letters to the editor, and follow us on social media.
Phone: (231) 944-8750
E-mail: info AT
P.O. Box 456, Charlevoix MI 49720
We are a group of neighbors and people who love Lake Charlevoix who want to preserve its water quality, the shoreland, and the shoreland’s natural vegetation.